Published: July 24, 2024

The wave of GenAI has rapidly transformed the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations worldwide are increasingly adopting Generative AI not simply as a tool but as a powerful aid to collect information and knowledge, leading to the development of best healthcare practices. The trend is reflected in a December 2023 Gartner survey. It shows that 84% of healthcare provider executives strongly feel that LLMs (large language models)—the base of GenAI—will lead to substantial (35%), disruptive (12%), or revolutionary (37%) influence on the healthcare sector.

Equipped with innovative capabilities, Generative AI disrupts standard medical practices and procedures, with a clear focus on leveraging its power for personalized treatment. This blog aims to emphasize GenAI’s diverse functions in healthcare and explores how it can streamline workflows and, ultimately, patient experience.

The Function of GenAI in Healthcare

Speed, efficiency, and personalized care are the cornerstones of healthcare services, and GenAI addresses all of these requirements. A 2023 Statista report assert that the global healthcare AI market will reach a staggering US $188 billion by 2030. It boasts a wide range of applications, impacting areas such as medical imaging, record summarization, and personalized treatment.

Here is a list of healthcare roles where Generative AI has gained traction for streamlining workflow and enhancing operations.

Medical Imaging

Accurate medical imaging is crucial for diagnosing and treating patients. However, healthcare entities face the challenges of decoding medical imaging that require time and expertise. This is where GenAI steps in.

It empowers healthcare providers to detect complex nuances and anomalies that might otherwise go unnoticed. For example, AI-powered medical imaging deftly evaluates complex data within a report, differentiating healthy and disease sections. Tools like variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs) enable radiologists to get high-resolution images from medium or low-resolution scans. These technologies create synthetic images and help to significantly enhance the effectiveness of medical imaging.

GANs and VAEs also streamline segmentation and fine-tune reconstruction methods, resulting in accurate treatment planning and advanced disease diagnosis. One example of Generative AI application is refining cardiac imaging to predict the possibility of irregular heartbeats with electrocardiogram analysis. With GenAI-powered medical imaging, healthcare providers can scan, segment, and diagnose patients with unparalleled accuracy.

Accelerated Diagnosis

Speaking of diagnosis, Generative AI is successfully enhancing diagnosis efficiency and accuracy. The GenAI–powered chatbot market is estimated to reach USD 1,714 million in 2033, growing by 27.5% from 2023. This reflects its growing adoption in the healthcare industry.

Health providers employ GenAI bots to analyze complicated datasets to identify valuable insights from large medical data repositories. It can quickly scan patient reports and data history, highlighting potential disease patterns and treatment plans. Evoke Technologies, for instance, employs RPA and Generative AI to develop bots that analyze patient data, offering predictive insights for early diagnosis. This assists doctors to curate tailored treatment plans with optimal patient outcomes.

Enhanced Patient Monitoring

Generative AI’s impact extends beyond diagnosis. It has significantly aided the adoption of telehealth. This has enabled seamless remote patient monitoring and easy access to healthcare services. A recent study shows that its adoption in telehealth has increased by 10%. Furthermore, technologies like AI-powered wearable sensors and devices fortify the rise of virtual consultations. These devices continuously collect patient data and information, allowing GenAI algorithms to assess and identify deviations from normal health parameters.

Predictive analysis tools empower patients to monitor and check their health conditions while healthcare professionals gain access to real-time data for personalized medication adjustments. Research predicts that the remote patient monitoring market will be worth $70.6 million by 2025 in the US.

Drug Development and Discovery

Furthermore, GenAI has become an effective tool for discovering and developing new drugs. Compared to the conventional process, artificial intelligent algorithms significantly accelerate the process. It creates large libraries of virtual compounds with predictive properties, enabling researchers to find innovative chemical combinations for drug development. This novel approach raises the possibility of developing innovative medical combinations that are highly effective for specific conditions.

The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) estimates that GenAI technology can produce $60 to $110 billion annually for the medical-product and pharmaceutical industries. This is possible due to its ability to expedite compound identification and market use. Studies suggest a reduction in drug discovery costs by $40 million to $400 million through GenAI. Leveraging it can enable researchers to streamline and accelerate drug discovery for market use.

Evoke understands the urgency of developing innovative drugs to fulfill patients’ unmet needs and, hence, works with a leading pharmaceutical company to accelerate drug development.

Streamlined Administrative Operations

Apart from drug discovery, GenAI also streamlines the healthcare administration. Evoke’s AI powered RPA automates tasks like billing, compliance and documentation, appointment scheduling, resource allocation, medical record management, and claims processing. It enables healthcare professionals to focus more on patients, ensuring a hassle-free experience for patients.

Furthermore, automated medical record management facilitates informed decision-making without the trouble of sifting through extensive patient data histories. It also gives a quick insight into a patient’s overall health status.

GenAI relieves healthcare professionals from repetitive administrative tasks, enabling them to focus on connecting with patients and delivering personalized care.

Personalized Treatment

Generative AI has streamlined various aspects of healthcare, paving the way for faster patient assistance, simplified procedures, and more personalized treatment plans. These advancements promise faster recovery times and better patient outcomes

Evoke Technologies: Your Partner for Safe and Unhindered Growth with GenAI

However, along with the ample benefits, Generative AI has its fair share of challenges like data bias and security, transparency, and accountability. This is where Evoke comes into play. We understand the challenges associated with its adoption in healthcare. Hence, we focus on building secure and streamlined AI-empowered healthcare solutions to elevate operational efficiency, risk-free

  • Bias Detection and Mitigation: Our GenAI tools and software undergo stringent processing techniques, pinpointing and eradicating biases from training datasets.
  • Transparent AI Solutions: We prioritize AI model testing and audits to ensure AI transparency in how AI systems reach conclusions.
  • Ethical AI Development: We adhere to strict ethical norms and regulations to avoid ethical dilemmas when deploying Generative AI tools.
  • HIPAA-Compliant Security: Evoke’s innovative healthcare solutions assure strong security measures that ensure patient data compliance and safety with HIPAA regulations.

Explore GenAI’s Potential with Confidence

Evoke strongly feels that GenAI’s potential risks should not hinder its adoption and opportunities for growth. Instead, working with the right technology partner is the key for organizations to unlock their vast potential, keeping risks at bay.

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