How to Integrate Angular with Spring Boot RESTful API

Angular web application framework is used by developers to create reactive Single-Page-Applications (SPAs). To give you a background on Single-Page Applications, they’re web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update the page in response to user’s interaction. Developers build Angular applications using TypeScript and Angular Command Line Interface (CLI), TypeScript is a popular open source programming language that is developed and maintained

User Experience (UX) is not Limited to UI – A Designer’s Perspective

“Okay, so you are a UX/UI designer. Let’s design a website or an application for “First-World Bank” customer, showcase a few layouts in two days. We need to design a great UX/UI with the latest trends and designs”. As a user experience (UX) designer, we often come across such business requirements; sometimes it is frustrating and quite often it is amusing. At the same

How to Integrate Spring Batch in Grails Framework

Processing large data sets is often a complex activity that software developers have to deal with. Developers require advanced tools and technologies to process large chunks of data sets. Although, there are quite a few tools available to process large data sets, Spring Batch stands out from the competition. Spring Batch is a lightweight and robust framework that can be easily integrated with the