Published: August 8, 2016

When your enterprise is developing internal or external applications, it can’t afford to ignore Java, the world’s most popular computer programming language.

Since its introduction in 1995, Java has become, arguably, the most popular computer programming language in the world.  
java application development

  • Java boasted a 52% market share in 2015.
  • Globally, 9 million developers use Java.
  • Java runs on 7 billion devices worldwide.
  • As of July 2016, Java ranked #1 on the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language index: Nearly 24% of all internet users searching for computer language tutorials searched for Java tutorials.
  • That same month, Java also ranked #1 on the TIOBE index (based on search engine queries containing programming languages’ names). Java doesn’t claim the top spot on such indices every month, but is never far from it.
  • Fully 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java, and plan to for the foreseeable future.
  • Java powers such dominant websites as Amazon, Netflix, and LinkedIn.

Given Java’s widespread adoption and the extensive infrastructure supporting it, your business must consider Java application development. Whether you’re building web apps for the marketplace or enterprise apps that will streamline and automate your business practices, Java offers several clear advantages.

Some Benefits of Java Application Development

Five years ago, Bob Lee (then CTO of mobile credit card processing startup Square) predicted “a Java renaissance.” Guided by Oracle Corporation, Java is not only reborn but also stronger than it was at the turn of this century.
In today’s technological and business environment, applications developed in Java deliver robust ROI and measurable results. Among other benefits, Java-developed applications can position your business to:

  • Leverage increased mobility. The top mobile platform in the world is Google’s Android platform (four out of five mobile devices use it), and Java application development is a must for Android. Because Java runs on a virtual machine (VM), its stated goal from two decades ago—”Write once, run everywhere”—is a fair description of current app reality. Java is portable; it can run on any hardware (in this case, smartphone, tablet or other mobile device) with a compatible VM. People will continue to demand reliable apps that let them perform both professional and personal tasks from their mobile devices. Developing your apps in Java helps ensure people will use them to get things done on the go.
  • Reduce programming risks. Because Java has been around a while, it offers app developers stability and certainty. Naturally, programmers will sometimes be interested in trying out newer, unproven languages—but when it comes to your enterprise’s apps, you’ll want developers to appreciate the wisdom of the tried and true. Java application developers shouldn’t run into any nasty surprises—and, if they do, vast libraries of resources will be at their disposal. In addition, today’s Java offers exceptional security—a non-negotiable consideration for your business’s apps.
  • Capitalize on the Internet of Things. When your business is developing applications in Java, it’s also preparing for the Internet of Things (IoT): the wireless, seamless coordination and connectivity of tens of billions of devices in the coming years. Java was originally intended to enable embedded computing, and Oracle recently committed to making Java key to IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) functionality. As the IoT rapidly expands, your Java-developed apps will be prepared to play their part. Your enterprise need not miss out out on the rewards of this remarkable computing revolution.

Java Application Development with Evoke Technologies

At Evoke Technologies, we bring more than a decade’s experience to Java consulting. Using our deep-domain knowledge of the language with proven design frameworks, we develop innovative Java-based solutions that are stable, secure, and capable of supporting as much business as you can generate.
Give us a call at +1 (937) 202-4161 (select Option 2 for Sales), or contact us online today to learn more about how partnering with Evoke as your Java application development company can benefit your business.
Related Tags: Java Application Development | Evoke Technologies

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