Published: November 8, 2016

Find out why experts predict rapid worldwide growth in BPM solutions in the next 8 years, and how Evoke can position your company to benefit from the boom.

BPM SolutionsForecasting the future can be risky business. But if there is such a thing as a “sure bet” prediction, then the market research and consulting firm Grand View Research recently made it.
According to Grand View, the worldwide market for business process management solutions (or BPM solutions) will be worth just over $23 billion (USD) by 2024.
What are the major factors motivating companies to start managing business processes by means of automation software? Some answers include:

  • Cloud computing – Increased adoption of cloud technology means BPM solutions offer excellent scalability at very reasonable costs, particularly for small and medium enterprises.
  • Focusing capability – When enterprises automate many of their business processes, they make themselves more able to focus on individual processes, as well as those processes’ individual components, when necessary.
  • Government regulations – Such large-scale initiatives as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the U.S. and the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) in the EU require newly meticulous levels of regulatory compliance best monitored via automated processes.

But Grand View’s report states that what will predominantly fuel this market’s growth over the next eight years are the benefits of BPM itself, “including better productivity, ease of use, flexibility, and reduction in the time to wait for customers.”
Do any of those benefits sound like ones your company would like to realize? If so, then now is the time for you to make sure you’re a part of the worldwide boom in business process management. It’s time to decide to find a BPM solutions partner who can help set your enterprise on a path to success—not just by 2024, but starting today.

Deciding on a BPM Solutions Partnership with Evoke

We understand many consulting firms offer business process management software. But we believe—because our clients have told us—that we offer a multifaceted edge other business process consulting firms don’t match.
Our approach to BPM is a winning constellation of distinctives, including:

  • Customer-centric – Because no “one size fits all” solutions truly work in BPM, we at Evoke take the time to learn as much about your business as possible before proposing any changes to your processes. Even possessing over a decade’s experience as an IT leader, we don’t assume we know best when we arrive. We discover and clarify your processes with you, through both manual and automated means, to make sure we’re focusing on the pain points you want and need to address.
  • Timely delivery – Our dedicated BPM software engineers are highly trained experts in their field, but they’re not so tech-focused that they forget the human dimension. Transitioning to automated BPM can test the patience of even the most motivated workforce. That’s why Evoke’s engineering teams are committed to deploying your new BPM solutions as quickly as possible, with the minimum amount of downtime. We want to see your staff working efficiently as much as you do, and we do all we can to make sure our software solutions don’t stand in their way.
  • Cost-effective – We won’t lie: quality BPM solutions cost money. But we also respect your budgetary limits, and so we take all the steps we can to maximize your spending. As an experienced business leader, you know wise upfront investments pay significant dividends over time. We respect your decision to invest in Evoke’s software solutions, and we stretch each of your dollars as far as it will go.

Contact Evoke Technologies now by calling +1 (937) 202-4161 or by visiting our website. Let’s start planning together the BPM solutions that can bring your business success from today until 2024, and well into the future.
Related Tags: Future of BPM Solutions | Evoke Technologies

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