Useful Guidelines to Improve Responsive Design Testing

A responsive web design involves creating a flexible web page that is accessible from any device, starting from a mobile phone to a tablet. Furthermore, a responsive web design improves users’ browsing experience. Considering this from a quality assurance perspective, a responsive web design requires thorough evaluation using a variety of devices before it is ready to go live. Software testers may find it

Software Testing Trends and Predictions 2016

2015 saw an unprecedented shift and rapid adoption of digital transformation projects across all industry verticals. This year, Evoke is continuing the practice of publishing a summary of software testing trends and predictions, based on the World Quality Report 2015-16, an elaborate research study conducted by Capgemini in association with Sogeti and HP amongst 1,560 IT leaders. As predicted in the year 2015, the

AutoIt – Simplify Windows Desktop Application Automation

AutoIt is a scripting language that helps developers to automate Windows desktop applications. Similar to other scripting language, it allows developers to generate scripts / automate desktop applications, which saves a lot of time for developers. So what makes this scripting language stand apart? AutoIt makes use of simulated keystrokes / mouse coordinates of the window/screen, which is quite difficult to achieve (with precision) in

Windows Application Automation Testing Using Coded UI

In my previous blog, I put forth a strong case for adopting Coded UI Test (CUIT) for automation testing. As a result, I have been receiving a lot of comments asking how to automate ‘Windows Applications’ using Coded UI Test. With this in mind and to also provide readers an insight on Windows Application Automation Testing, I have written this blog. Using Coded UI Test, software testers can

Fluent Automation Testing Framework for Web Applications

It is important for organizations to clearly identify the merits and demerits of a test automation framework before choosing a framework. When organizations decide to automate web application testing, they prefer a simple but a powerful testing framework. Although, there are a lot of automation testing frameworks available in the market, Fluent Automation Framework categorically stands out. Fluent Automation is clearly becoming a preferred choice for automated web application testing. The

6 Popular Test Automation Frameworks for UFT (QTP)

In the software testing domain, automation frameworks are considered to be of critical importance, especially when you are involved in automation testing. In this blog, we would be exploring the different types of automation frameworks. So, what exactly is an automation framework. In technical terms, an automation framework is a set of guidelines, which comprises of coding standards, structure of app code and app data folders, test results storage,

Getting Started with Coded UI Automation Tool

Coded UI Test (CUIT) is a relatively new automation tool in the software market. It was made available as part of the Visual Studio 2010 update. The product has undergone a lot of enhancements and its new version has been released as part of Visual Studio 2013. Software code can be easily reviewed and debugged in Visual Studio, it also has an IntelliSense code completion

Software Testing Trends and Predictions – 2015

The year 2014 witnessed cross border mergers, acquisitions and rapid adoption of social media platforms. It also witnessed creation of large chunks of data and rapid advancements in mobile and cloud technologies. Another major advancement was Internet of Things (IoT), which is slowly changing the way how organizations interact with their customers, employees and partners. In the current digital information age, individuals are demanding improved

Bulk Data Cleanup in Bonitasoft Using REST API

Load testing is an inherent part of the software testing life-cycle. It allows software testers to determine, how a newly developed software application performs under normal and peak conditions. To execute load testing, a software tester has to update large amounts of data to simulate a real-time scenario. But what about the test data after completion of load testing? Data certainly has to be cleaned up; an

QA and Software Testing Trends 2014 – Roundup

The year 2014 is almost at the verge of ending, Business units across the organizations are busy chalking out blueprints based on budgets allocated to them for the year 2015. As the year comes to an end, the software industry is keen to find out about the key areas that dominated in 2014, especially pertaining to quality assurance and software testing. Let’s go through